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The Unconditional Mind

Do you have the experience of feeling tense, and unable to relax.  Are you at all able to identify with the word “calm”.  Troubles sleeping? Can’t focus? Falling asleep in low stimulation situations, such as meetings? These are a list of other symptoms that can indicate unregulated brain waves.  Sometimes we have attention difficulties but different parts of the brain might be struggling to perform as you would want.

I guide people in learning effective ways to better regulate their brain waves and life experience utilizing various techniques.  Biofeedback, Neurofeedback and Mindfulness are all means of reaching our goal of a more balanced life experience, and a brain better able to regulate itself based on your individual symptoms.

There are options to work with Theresa one on one, or in a group setting.

Additional neurofeedback information can be found at the Kansas City Neuroplasticity Institute website, www.kcnpi.com.

Please contact Nancy at [email protected] for more information and to schedule an appointment.

10 Westowne Street, Liberty, Missouri 64068

tel: 816-407-7706

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