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The Unconditional Therapist

Theresa offers Mentoring for Mental Health Professionals to explore various areas of your practice that you feel you need support ~ building community, business development, resources, uncovering the areas you are most passionate about!

Mentoring can be individual or in a group.  

Are you struggling to be passionate in your practice?  Do you feel you need a structured connection with other professionals? Are you experiencing signs of burnout?  Do you need to reconnect with your dream?

Symptoms of the above can be on a spectrum of feeling run down and drained of physical and emotional energy, having negative thoughts about your work, feeling less sympathetic with people than they deserve, irritated by small roadblocks, misunderstood or not supported by colleagues, no one to talk to and process with, achieving less then you desire, feeling like you are in the wrong profession, and/or never have enough time.

Theresa facilitates a group experience for mental health professionals called Journey Into The Grey. 

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Journey Into The Grey is an invitation to step into learning more about our Narrative & Story around race, religion, gender, sexuality and other uncomfortable topics.

Never forget that we can turn anyone into whatever we need them to be so that our internal narrative can make sense.

This awareness can be profoundly motivating. No doubt this is a lifelong journey of uncovering….to see ourselves, our thoughts and our motivations more clearly.

In this day-long experience we will explore the roles of Narrative and Story. And learning how to create a more curious and compassionate way of inquiring and questioning our Self as our Narrative and Story come into higher levels of our awareness. With this increased awareness, hopefully we can grasp them when they float by, take a closer look at them, and have the opportunity to re-write our story so that it is more congruent with our Self.

Cultivating Curiosity, Courage, Compassion, Connection and Community

Our profession is unique. We work in so many different settings…solo practitioner in a solo office, community service agency, high school, hospital, group practice and the list goes on. While some of us might work with a group of other mental health professionals, it doesn’t mean that we have found support, connection and community. And sometimes the connection might revolve around the dissatisfaction in our work, as opposed to cultivating curiosity and sharing all the new things we are learning to better help our clients…and hopefully to find more freedom ourselves. And maybe we have a freaking amazing circle and we all just choose to keep broadening our lens!

We believe that it is possible that we can build a community of mental health professionals where we have the experience of feeling seen, heard and valued. Where we can learn to risk sharing our Self with the response being one of genuine curiosity. Where we can learn to advocate in a way that promotes an increased chance of being heard.

Hopefully these opportunities will support mental health professionals in a way that encourages growth, and empowers us all to be healthier clinicians, and people.

Journey Into The Grey is an invitation to step into learning more about our Narrative and Story around race, religion, gender and sexuality (and other uncomfortable topics that organically arise). And to find our courage to have deep, uncomfortable, vulnerable, authentic conversations that in turn create greater compassion, build connection and ultimately a community that allows all of our humanness. This is an experiential process. This is NOT a talk, or traditional training.


There are options to work with Theresa one on one, or in a group setting of similar professionals.  Please contact Nancy at [email protected] for more information and to schedule an appointment.

The guidance I’ve gained from Theresa as a mentor has been transformational. I’ve grown as a clinician and a human being. I am grateful for her breadth of knowledge about so many different modalities and most importantly her interest in helping me be exactly the clinician I need to be. That’s Theresa’s goal: not to mimic her own success, but to reveal the personal path of whoever she is working with. Theresa is someone I want to come back to time and time again in my life and career and can trust that she will always have the guidance that I need. Big Theresa fan over here! So lucky to have her consultation at the ready in my toolbox whenever I need it. – Lily D.
Theresa is an amazing support!  She is calm, present, and open to exploring all perspectives.  It can be a huge challenge in this field to consider and keep all perspectives in mind, and most importantly, to do the self-work; the very essence that drives our practice, our lives, and how we impact our clients. What an amazing resource to have such an experienced and knowledgeable therapist help guide us through our own growth and the murky waters in which we often find ourselves. I always value my time with Theresa and appreciate the clarity and insight she offers! – Laura Drinkard, LCMFT
“Theresa is the most kind & compassionate person I have met. She finds the beauty in anything, but also keeps it real. She’s knowledgeable beyond her years and is so nurturing while also encouraging independence and confidence. I am beyond grateful that our paths crossed.” – Ashley C.
Thank you for creating a safe place where the Spirit can teach, heal and protect those who come to The Journey Home.
T.T., Liberty, MO
I just wanted to let you know that I did not have any knee pain this morning at all. This was the first morning in months that I didn’t wake with it in pain; and I even walked a couple of miles last night. I’m not sure it’s gone for good, but I canceled my doctor’s appointment for tomorrow because of it. Thank you so much for helping me through whatever it is I’m going through; and also for not judging.
C.H. , Liberty, MO

10 Westowne Street, Liberty, Missouri 64068

tel: 816-407-7706

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